Monday, March 22, 2010

Our Invention in the Olympics

Bizarely enough, the ball Dwane and I invented were used in the closing ceremony of the Vancouver Winter Olympics and are apparently being used as the "symbol" of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia!

A reporter for the New Zealand Herald interviewed me about my reaction to the news.

In general I think it's bizarre and I'm flattered that the idea that Dwane and I came up with so many years ago has become globally recognised and used at some of the largest events in the world.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OGO and Fishpipe on TV

We've had a few TV crews out to New Zealand to film both the Fishpipe and OGO.
  • NHK from Japan will be screening footage of the OGO and Fishpipe in mid April.
  • Discovery Channel - Daily Planet from Canada will be screening footage of the Fishpipe and OGO (and some other very rare, early footage of some of the products we developed that didn't quite make it to market) in mid to late March.
Photo 1: David points in the direction he thinks the OGO will roll for the cameraman. Meanwhile Jodie texts her friend; "ths doofus dsnt no wat hes talkng abt"

Photo 2: Andrew explains to Canadian viewers how pirates are the future for adventure sports.